Monday 20 June 2011

Ep. 1 Summer in The Coves

Hello and welcome to the inaugural episode of The Cove Life!

My name is Chas and I am the summer student here at Friends of the Coves Subwatershed Inc (FOTCSI).
Friends of the Coves is a not for profit environmental organization located in Wortley village in south London. Our mission is that the quality of life in our community is enhanced through the protection, conservation and stewardship of The Coves. Over the next 11 weeks I will be blogging about my experiences with FOTCSI and covering many events throughtout the summer! As well I will be posting weekly episiodes on the history, community and issues related to the Coves including helpful tips and suggestions on how you can have a positive impact on your own environment. 

All that being said welcome again to The Cove Life!

1 comment:

Marine Karleen said...

How did you get this position? I would like to know if I could apply for it next year.