All that being said a MASSIVE congratulations is due to Reforest London and the Million Tree Challenge for taking top spot with over 3000 votes! Utilizing social media outlets like Twitter the buzz/trend created around share your care and the Million Tree Challenge influenced hundreds of people to show their support and vote day after day. We here at FOTC are so proud to have been a part of the campaign and to have collaborated with Reforest London over the last month, way to go!! As the winners of the Share your Care Challenge Reforest London will be receiving a $25,000 grant to put towards the Million Tree Challenge and their work around London from Fido and Evergreen.
Now on to new business! FOTC will be embarking on an erosion awareness public outreach program this week. Many of the homes in the Coves sub-watershed back on to steep ravines and the banks of the cove ponds. These areas are all very prone to higher rates of erosion compared to other properties in the sub-waterhed and the city. To help local homeowners and residents, FOTC is putting together stewardship packages packed full of some helpful information and tools to encourage anti-erosion strategies. Our goal is to help people learn ways to maintain their property in a way which will discourage erosion and activities that maybe be inadvertently aiding the erosion process. The pilot project will be in select streets in the sub-watershed, however if the response is positive we will be expanding to include more neighbourhoods.
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