GooOooOOood AaaaAaaffftEErnnooooon EeeevvVVeryBooddDyyy.... Whoa did anyone else just feel that? Here at the FOTC office this afternoon we were not spared of a lil shake and rattle as a earthquake measuring 5.9 on the richter scale shook down the eastern seaboard. The quakes epicentre which was estimated to be around Mineral, Virginia (almost 145Km southwest of Washington) has been said to be the largest quake in that area since 1987. Apparently today's quake was a particularly shallow quake at a depth of 6Km, and information continues to come in on any damage.
Cubes prior to Thirst Mob Assembly |
Shaking things up earlier was the Thirst Mob in downtown today between Centennial Hall and Victoria park. Members of the City of London, Friends of The Coves and other participants took part in the demonstration to get people talking about water conservation. Featuring 18, 1 metre cubes to represent the water used by one average London household a month. Each cubed was affixed with water conservation facts and statistics to educate onlookers at the importance of being mindful of our water usage.

At 12 noon today those cubes were marched by thirst mob volunteers to Victoria Park and arranged in a large circle at the North end of the park. To add to the fun and celebration the Thirst Mob was filmed from a scissor lift by members of the Fanshawe College film program. The footage taken will be edited and posted on the City of London's YouTube Channel in 1-2 weeks. You can also check out the London Metro News in the coming days for coverage. If you'd like to see the result of the Thirst Mob then head down to Victoria Park today (Aug 23) and check it out yourself! A big thanks to Kalen Pilkington for the invite to the event, Mia and I both had a blast taking part!
Mia cubed |
Chas cubed |
Filming lift |
Final assembly of the cubes |
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